Performance Anxiety Part One

We have all had the feelings of light headedness, shaking knees, and the butterflies in our stomachs. It can happen when we are presenting to a small group, in everyday conversations, and of course when speaking to a large room filled with people. There is a reason why we have these feelings and fears; and it’s known as “Performance Anxiety”.

What Happens

We start to sweat, shake, and feel light headed when it comes to speaking in public and/or getting on stage. After reading an article written by Sandra Zimmer titled “Speaking Freely”, I now have a better idea of why this happens. Sandra states that “The body is flooded with feelings, sensation and emotional intensity that can feel uncomfortable, maybe even out of control”. Since we are unable to control these feelings and put them to good use, we allow them to take control of us. Now our own body begins to fight with its self, it’s trying to find a way to put this energy to use. Our minds become distracted, the feelings become overwhelming and then your body reacts.

For me I think it’s important to stay positive and focused when it comes to public speaking. Doing my research and having knowledge about what I am talking about helps boost my confidence and self-esteem.

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