How Good Speakers can use Credibility to get More Speaking Gigs.

Certainly one needs to hone their skills in speaking before they can demand large fees and even gigs at places other than the local Village Inn. (No offense to the Inn). When event planners decide who to book for their event sometimes being involved in groups like NSA helps to get you booked. Another group that is up and coming for anyone serious in public speaking is the Minnesota Professional Speaking (Meetup) Group. Don't be fooled into thinking that this is only for Minnesotans and surrounding. The founder, Ter Scott has aspirations of this being an online connection to professionals from all over the world. Being a member gets you tips, tricks for speakers, the opportunity to meet with other members at get togethers but so much is available online for just a $20 membership yearly; even a 30-minute "anything speaking" with Ter.

Visit here to see the group's details and check out the "welcome" letter in advance (below):


I see that you’ve recently joined!

Please get started by getting started!

Send a message to at least one member; make it a point to meet a new member in this way each week.

Place something in the forum; tell us about yourself, your likes and dislikes, and your speaking goals. Tell us what you want to see in our group.

Come to our Meetup gatherings. There are two types, formal and informal. Most are “informal”, fun events where we get together and network with the emphasis on having fun. Then from time to time, we’ll meet to take care of “business”; planning and such. Remember that this group exists to get (professional and aspiring) public speakers together to enjoy each other’s company first with relationships built first and learning about the nuts and bolts of speaking second.

Also, for anyone who joins before (extended to) September 30, 2017, will get a half hour phone consultation with yours truly to discuss anything “public speaking”. In my other consulting areas my fee is $100 to $500 per hour so this is a bargain. You’ll receive a worksheet to “plan” your call and also a follow-up email too so you’ll get the most value from our visit.

I’ve taught speaking at the adult level at the business university; both in the physical classroom and online (a system I personally developed), was the International Division Governor of Toastmasters, winner of many speech contests, have spoken for organizations including American Cancer Society, BNI, and other private companies; along with my private one with one consultations. I am glad to offer this half hour with you to discuss your speaking goals, regardless of what “stage” you are in your “career”.

There will be other monthly benefits too such as free eBooks, and free promotion for you and your speaking!
I look forward to seeing you as a member and speaking and coaching you about “anything speaking”!

So please, get started by getting started; do something at our site and we’ll see you at our next outing. Contact me at to schedule your 30 minutes with me. State: Pro Speaking Meetup Session in the subject line.

Until then,
Make it a great day!

