Have you heard of the NSA? It’s the National Speakers Association.
For the longest time to “get in” you had to complete a number of paid presentations to join. Now they offer several levels of participation and membership.
Do you think that being a member of the NSA brings credibility to a speaker?
Do you think it would be “cool” to be part of such as an esteemed group of people?
If you are serious about speaking and love the craft, I’m sure you answered yes to one or all of those questions. If so, why aren’t you a member? The $124 to $540 annual membership cost? The other necessary things needed to accomplish needed to become a member? With the Minnesota Professional Speaking Meetup, we are mirroring the NSA in a small way.
The Minnesota Professional Speaking Meetup (MPSM) offers very inexpensive yearly membership which presents networking opportunities on the site with fellow members, and at live events, we’ll eventually have different levels of membership, and you have the credibility of saying that you are a member of MPSM in good standing! Also, you’ll get speaking tips, tricks and web links to speaking sites and events and a coaching session from yours truly.
With MPSM you only have to be interested in becoming a better public speaker to join and you’ll have access to all of this and as we grow you’ll network with people from all around the world!
If you’ve not joined, I encourage you to do so today. If you’ve joined, I encourage you to introduce yourself, reach out to another member (set up a system to communicate with one member weekly), contact me to get your free 30-minute coaching session and attend the live events when you can!
Click here to visit us: https://www.meetup.com/Duluth-Professional-Speaking-Meetup/members/
Until next time, speak positively!
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™,
Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™
Learn more about NSA here. http://www.nsaspeaker.org/talking-nsa/